Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Synaptic package manager dependency problems

Jack_Sparrow; now i was just experimenting today with anjuta...found out that gcc-4.2 alone wont help it work and that even gcc is required...when we select anjuta to install....it selects only the version 4.2...so this causes problems in compilation.....so how do i know which packages are really necessary for installing a particular package

DarkKnight I seldom compile anything .. but.. Build Dependencies: Most of the time you can install most build dependencies as in this example: sudo apt-get build-dep xvidcap , that will install all the -dev packages that the xvidcap package says it needs to compile

Jack_Sparrow; compile??

DarkKnight People chasing dependencies are usually compiling something

Monday, December 15, 2008

Desktop effects

DarkKnight: hey can anyone tell me how to get the desktops in cube shaped....and other such features

psycardis: !compiz | DarkKnight
ubottu: DarkKnight: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion


To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties -


Jack_Sparrow: DarkKnight Install ccsm sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager

Next go to system----->preferences----->advanced desktop effects.... On the first page put check next to rotate cube and desktop cube.. dbl click general options... up closer to the top... click on desktop size and set the values to 4, 1 and 1 top to bottom... ctrl+alt+(Left Mouse Button) then move mouse


My Additional Explanation

You'll see 3 values....

Horizontal virtual size : set this value to 4

Vertical virtual size : set this value to 1

Number of desktops: : set this value to 1


koshar1: DarkKnight under window management in advanced desktop effects select Scale

What you need to try out after installing??

keep holding Ctrl+Alt and now roght-click the mouse on the desktop screen and move the mouse.... remember that you have to continuously hold three things.......

1) Ctrl button
2) Alt button
3) right click of the mouse

now move the mouse without releasing these 3 things..... you get similar to this picture

Wonder if you can see all four desktops at once.....

Yes you can.....

Simultaneously press two keys.....Window key + e

you get your desktop look like this....

Updating all systems with a single download of all packages using Aptoncd

DarkKnight: ikonia; hey is there a way that we can download all the required packages like anjuta, umbrello etc...along with gcc, g++, gcj, mysql....etc.... and use these packages on all systems....

ikonia: DarkKnight just open synaptic and click install on them

! aptoncd > DarkKnight

ubottu: DarkKnight, please see my private message

ubottu: ikonia wants you to know: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers

What next if you want to install packages from the cd you just created with Aptoncd?

Soon after you insert the cd.. you have to go to System---->Administration---->Aptoncd

then you have to select Restore tab and select the option Restore Aptoncd

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Ubuntu client-sever installations and updations





Will make more updations....

Friday, December 12, 2008

Ubuntu client-sever install

DarkKnight: hey can anyone tell me how to go about for a ubuntu client server install

Slart: DarkKnight: "ubuntu client server" ?? what kind of server?

DarkKnight: Slart; probably a file sever

Slart: DarkKnight: probably? you don't know?

DarkKnight: Slart; i m given the task 2 make a client server installation at my college computer lab....so i m not sure which one i have to use...you have any idea

DarkKnight: DarkKnight: then I guess you either already have been (or will be) given instructions regarding this..

DarkKnight: Slart; no...it was like i wanted linux to be in one of our labs...one main reason could be that i wanted to play around with server-client.....so it was my idea...

Slart: DarkKnight: then you had better ask yourself what kind of server/client setup you want

nibbler_: DarkKnight: setup a server, setup a client, connect, done

Slart: DarkKnight: try typing !samba here in the channel

nibbler_: DarkKnight: a server is a computer that can - for any reason - be connected by another one (the otherone being the client)

nibbler_: DarkKnight: can be hosting files (samba) offering a remotelogin (ssh (telnet)), or run games like quake etc

Slart: DarkKnight: sure.. webserver, samba server, ftp server, ssh server, quake server.. you can run all these, and more, at the same time if you want to

nibbler_: DarkKnight: database server with a database client connecting is just as client/server as it gets

DarkKnight: Slart; so now if i install web, database and samba, will it affect the performance, speed etc....

Slart: DarkKnight: just having them installed doesn't use many resources.. you can have 10 web sites up and running as long as noone is visiting them..

DarkKnight: Slart; the plan is like...only the sever will be connected to the internet...no client systems will access the internet unless approved by the admin...so how do u

Slart: !ics | DarkKnight

ubottu: DarkKnight: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php

DarkKnight: Slart; well thank you buddy....you have helped me a lot

Slart: DarkKnight: you're welcome.. good luck with the computer lab

Simultaneously I was talking with Fazavon with whom I had a talk of printer's driver issues earlier

Fazavon: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=202605

DarkKnight: hey thanxx...

Fazavon: np

DarkKnight: here its said abt a samba sever

DarkKnight: can u just tell me in brief whats this samba

Fazavon: file server

Fazavon: share files over many machines

DarkKnight: ohkk

DarkKnight: is it called file sever

Fazavon: http://us3.samba.org/samba/

DarkKnight: okk

DarkKnight: thank you buddy...you have helped me a lot

Fazavon: np anytime

Other sites that could be useful for a client server install:



Printer's driver problems in Ubuntu

How to solve your drivers problem for your printers?

I had a problem with installing my printer

so all i did is just visited the site openprinting.org Here I searched for my printer series and used the driver provided here I did get it working...

You can't just get the printer working with the driver cd that you recieve along with your printer, because it is based on Windows...

The exact location where I got the drivers for D2560 series is http://openprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=HP-D2560

The dialogues below,actually took place before I got the solution....

Fazavon: Sorry it is chatty in there.. what seems to be your issue?

DarkKnight: hey thanxx for trying 2 help me

DarkKnight: the thing is that

DarkKnight: i got a new printer

Fazavon: what kind of printer?

DarkKnight: D2568

DarkKnight: HP

DarkKnight: so wen i connected it...

DarkKnight: it detected my printer..

Fazavon: i hate to be the one to break this to you but it looks like you are not the only one having issues with this printer and there is not a fix os of yrt

Fazavon: as of yet*

DarkKnight: but i just checked the launchpad...

Fazavon: yeah but there are not drivers there yet

DarkKnight: and i saw that one person got this issue solved for the same D2568

DarkKnight: and i tried but i m ot able 2 get it

Fazavon: i am looking at 15 post of people having the same issue with no fix for it

DarkKnight: okk

DarkKnight: but there r also some outputs which i want 2 bring 2 ur notice..i'll just give it to

DarkKnight: just check this

DarkKnight: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1000889

DarkKnight: its my post

Fazavon: you can return the Hp and get a brothers 440cn they work great in Linux they are cheap and even cheaper to refill the ink

Fazavon: yeah that was one of the 15 posts i jsut found

DarkKnight: ha!! no i have learnt one thing in life....you need to tackle every problem that you come accross and find a solution for it.... I learnt it in one of the oaths taken by A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, the former president of India, in an oath to all the Indian students....

Fazavon: http://www.amazon.com/Brother-MFC-440CN-Photo-Printer-Networking/dp/B000J2IPY2

Fazavon: and if you dig around you can find the ink for between 20 -40 dollars for two refills of each colour

DarkKnight: its okk...i m in india...and here prices r different

Fazavon: yeah they might be cheaper

Fazavon: they are made "next door"

DarkKnight: but i hope it works in XP atleast...

Fazavon: i have never seen a printer that does not work in XP

DarkKnight: okk....

DarkKnight: thanxx

DarkKnight: 4 trying to help me

DarkKnight: it was helpful

Fazavon: anytime

DarkKnight: anyways....lets get introduced

DarkKnight: i m roshan

DarkKnight: from india

DarkKnight: doing my Btech 3rd year in computer science

Fazavon: i am beitler from the US

DarkKnight: u??

DarkKnight: okk

Fazavon: i have a masters in information systems

Fazavon: an mcse and a CISSP

DarkKnight: ohh thats gr8

Fazavon: yeah it pays the bills :)

DarkKnight: i know mcse...but wats CISSP...

Fazavon: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CISSP

Fazavon: you might look in to getting one

DarkKnight: oh is that so interesting....i m just checking out the page

DarkKnight: so i have been pondering over wats the difference between CSE and IT

DarkKnight: and other branches under computers

Fazavon: they are all specific to you knowledge

Fazavon: weather it be security or programming

DarkKnight: so CSE is all abt programming??

Fazavon: hm i am not familiar with that one but yeah it seems like it would be

Fazavon: I am also looking at getting the ECH

Fazavon: sorry CEH

Fazavon: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Certified_Ethical_Hacker

DarkKnight: vow

DarkKnight: so u working right now??

Fazavon: yeah

Fazavon: i am at work right now :)

DarkKnight: which company..wats ur job

Fazavon: um well i work for BRC (www.brc2.com) and I an the CTO

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Updating LINUX softwares or Installing softwares from the Internet

You just have to go to synaptic package manager-----> Settings------->Preferences----------->Third Party software tab.....

here just uncheck the cdrom option...

once you are done with this....just select Revert

DarkKnight: hey how can i start updates from the internet...wen i try to update..it asks me to insert cd

Jack_Sparrow: DarkKnight remove the cd option from your sources

Halitech: DarkKnight, in synaptic, uncheck the cd

retour: DarkKnight: because it's the only thing in your repos?

jpinx: DarkKnight: check your sources.list

liable: DarkKnight: comment out the cd line in sources

DarkKnight: Jack_Sparrow, Halitech, retour; so suppose if i want it to first check for cd..and if not found then to install from the internet...then what do i have to do??

Halitech: DarkKnight, I could be wrong but I don't think its an and/or option, if it is checked it is going to look there and fail if not found

simonrvn: DarkKnight: erm, you can do that - not directly however - using the netinst; it'll fetch most of the stuff to install via network

Monday, December 8, 2008

List of some software building websites....

I am DarkKnight in the IRC client.....

below you'll see that when I talk to someone I mention his name so that he sees that i am addressing the message to him........ and mind you since everyone can see your public message...so there are many people who will try helping you when you put in a query either to a specific person or to everyone on the chat room

This chat was on December 7th..

DarkKnight: hey can anyone tell me any gud software good enough to build a website

dazeXx: DarkKnight: I think it has platinum rating in WineHQ

scunizi: !html | DarkKnight

ubottu: DarkKnight: html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/

DarkKnight: dazeXz; its not there in the repos

dazeXx: DarkKnight: you should install it under Wine

dazeXx: DarkKnight: its not an opensource / free application, Wine is simply able to run it as a Windows application

dazeXx: DarkKnight: I'm running World of Warcraft and Photoshop under Wine and they seem to run flawlessly

DarkKnight: dazeXz; kk.. wen i try 2 install it under wine....it tries to install in windows directories

dazeXx: DarkKnight: that's right, those Win dirs are really mapped to a linux dir on your machine

DarkKnight: dazeXz; ohh... then in which directory am i supposed to install

dazeXx: DarkKnight: those are mapped to ~/.wine/drive_c/

dazeXx: DarkKnight: try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=254637 and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=256604

DarkKnight: dazeXx; ya i heard more of joomla and some other which i can't remember

dazeXx DarkKnight: a friend of mine just told me Quanta has a WYSIWYG

dazeXx: DarkKnight: or if you don't mind the domain / hosting, definitely go for Google Sites
bazhang: DarkKnight, kompozer

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

my geek talk on IRC with a fellow geek on December 2nd at 7:00 pm IST

My nickname in the IRC client is DarkKnight....and below is Norbert from Hungary whom i met on the IRC client

norbert79: Lets discuss this not in the common part

norbert79: Name is Norbert from Hungary

DarkKnight: Hi Norbert....nice to meet you

norbert79: Same here, nice to meet you too

DarkKnight: so wat do u do...i mean..u work??

norbert79: I work for an IT company working for Security

norbert79: and you?

DarkKnight: i m a 3rd year Btech student....DarkKnight: CSE brnch

DarkKnight: *branch

norbert79: Nice...

DarkKnight: so u work in a linux based company

norbert79: And any plans for the future? Any companies you would like to work for?

norbert79: Well, I work for a company, which supports Linux pretty well

norbert79: yet I am not in development, or at a department which needs Linux as tool for the daily work

norbert79: but I am using it on my business laptop

norbert79: and home too

norbert79: I am using Linux since 2003, as an ONLY OS since 2005

norbert79: ONLY OS = i don't have any other OS on my own PC

DarkKnight: ya i m looking forward for Open Source companies.... wanted to be a hacker like Richard Stallman

DarkKnight: probably soon start my own services for linux later

norbert79: Well, Richard is more like an activist, and a philospher, I don't know how good he is as a programmer :)

norbert79: sounds great

DarkKnight: or maybe u can say....Linus Trowalds

DarkKnight: thanq

norbert79: You should also try to get the book about Operating Systems from Andrew S Tannebaum, the teacher of Linus

norbert79: And "Computer Networks"

norbert79: I have both, both are great books on undertsanding operating systems

norbert79: but you should try to go through this uide first:

DarkKnight: ya i just had both the subjects last sem....

norbert79: http://www.tldp.org/LDP/sag/sag.pdf

norbert79: thats great, you are familiar with both then

DarkKnight: but i shld say.....networks broke my head

norbert79: hehhe

norbert79: No wonder :)

DarkKnight: lots of theory

norbert79: not the easiest topic

DarkKnight: and the different semaphore algorithm in OS...pretty hard to remember

DarkKnight: ya lots of theory

norbert79: I still find it hard to understand :)

DarkKnight: u still find it hard....i didnt understand the whole.....

norbert79: but you would like to be a real hacker user, not a hardcore dev yet... Lets go step by step :)

norbert79: May I be curious?

DarkKnight: no problem....its technical...so i dont mind

norbert79: My first question: do you understand the difference between the term 'Linux' and 'Distribution'?

norbert79: I am just curious :)

DarkKnight: yes...linux is a kernel.....

norbert79: nice... And? What makes a distribution a distribution?

DarkKnight: and distribution is something like a collection of softwares and the whole OS makes aa distribution

norbert79: well done

DarkKnight: thanxx

DarkKnight: well ur 1st qustion

norbert79: you seem to understand some parts well by now

norbert79: I am all ears

norbert79: :)

norbert79: go on

DarkKnight: i just don't want to be a hacker...

norbert79: hacker is more like someone

norbert79: who is modifying an application or part of it

DarkKnight: i want to learn hacking so that maybe it can help me to be a

norbert79: to make his/her work easier

DarkKnight: ya

DarkKnight: but the final goal is to be a developer

norbert79: yes, but that is why you need to understand terms like init/upstart, /dev filesytsem, /sys, /proc, login, getty, and lot more

DarkKnight: ohh.. yes....

DarkKnight: i just went thru the 1st few pages of SAG......

DarkKnight: saw just the intro of init

norbert79: thats a good stuff for beginners

DarkKnight: one of the basic commands of UNIX

DarkKnight: ya

norbert79: pretty 'thick', but has a lot of important information in it

DarkKnight: yes

DarkKnight: init 0

DarkKnight: for shutdown

DarkKnight: init 6 for restart

DarkKnight: but i dont know the othet init's

norbert79: you should also try different distributions, like Gentoo or Fedora, or go for UNIXes too, like Open/FreeBSD

norbert79: init 0 is the command on telling init on going to the runlevel 0

norbert79: init uses different runlevels

DarkKnight: ohh yes...i used Fedora for a month or so....

norbert79: where you can define what applications to start

DarkKnight: okk

norbert79: I think you can have maximally 10 runlevels... Fedora uses 7 (0-6), where Ubuntu only a few 0,1,2,5,6

norbert79: as far as I know

DarkKnight: init 1 is single user i suppose

DarkKnight: okk

norbert79: yes, normally, but there is no 'standard' as fdar as I know for it

norbert79: you could also use only one runlevel

DarkKnight: okk

DarkKnight: just out of curiosity.....do u know what type of jobs are paid highest for freshers

norbert79: not really, I am not so familiar with payments on different jobs

norbert79: depends always on the company

DarkKnight: i mean taking a general view of any company...

norbert79: as I have told you, depends the type of work, and the company... One company could pay more for developer work, than the other, where the other could lack of tools

norbert79: you should get know as lot companies as possible

norbert79: so you can easly select the best for you

DarkKnight: ohkk

DarkKnight: i have recently joined a company for a project

DarkKnight: i joined a team called DSwitch

DarkKnight :the company's name is twincling

norbert79: Well, I live some tousand of kilometers away from you, I am not really familair with all the companies... Does the company have a website?

DarkKnight: twincling.org

DarkKnight: i have been given the task of finding out how to access a database using DC++

DarkKnight: hey there??

norbert79 sorry, I am still at work, and have something to take care with

norbert79 It's 14:44 over here (2:44 pm)

DarkKnight: no probs

DarkKnight: its 7:15 pm here

norbert79: I am 5 and a half hours behind you :)

norbert79: I know ;-)

DarkKnight: ya....we had a nice time chatting technical stuff....and i m posting our geek talk in my blog....u mind...

DarkKnight: ??

norbert79: Yes, why not :)

DarkKnight: thanxx...

DarkKnight: can we meet again on a regualar basis....i have learnt a lot from u...

norbert79: Well, I am not often online at Freenode, but you can write me any time to norbert79@freemail.hu

DarkKnight: thanxx buddy....surely i'll mail u....

DarkKnight: and maybe we can meet on sundays...

norbert79: Probably... Have fun with reading!

DarkKnight: ya sure...

DarkKnight: see u then bye

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Troubleshooting your sound

Here's what I did when my speaker gave me blank sounds. For almost 6 months I sat trying to screw up my system. I wasn't able to know why the hell the sound wasn't working. Finally, I played with some settings and the driver code. I'll give you a set of instructions as to what you should do if you don't hear anything from the God damn speakers.

Go to the terminal and then type these instructions:

1) alsamixer

you get to see something like this as in this figure:

Now at the bottom of the screen you get to see some tabs like "master", "PCM", "FRONT" etc.

on top of each tab you find a vertical bar, make sure that you maximize the level of the vertical bar by using your up arrow key.

to move to any other tab, use your side arrow keys (i.e left arrow key and right arrow key).

at the bottom of each vertical bar, you get to see letters either of "00" or "MM". Setting this as "MM" mutes the option. So unmute it by pressing "M" on your keyboard. After you unmute each tab make it a point to hit the enter key to save the setting.

Suppose when you type alsamixer and if you get an ouput saying that there is no alsamixer, just type in lspci -v and check the output. If the output says no sound module or no sound drivers detected then make it a point to check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting

This will help you if you still don't get the solution then post your comment here

Also just have a look at these links....it might guide you somewhere


this is for the latest version Intrepid Ibex (Ubuntu 8.10)....

this is for both Hardy Heron users as well as Intrepid Ibex users

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Difference between software updates and software upgrades

Many people are often confused with the terms "Update" and "Upgrade".

Q) What is a software Update?

Ans. A software update means adding new drivers, fixing bugs, minor enhancements etc. Usually when a particular version is released, many bugs are found. These bugs are fixed in the next software update. Sometimes it can so happen that a particular version may not support certain drivers like printers etc. Then in the next software update, the drivers are added.

For example, a change of version from “firefox” to “firefox” or any other version in the sequence of 2.0.0.x, where x is any updated version is called a software update.

Usually the software vendors do not specify any price for a software update.

Q) What is a software upgrade?

Ans. A software upgrade includes a major enhancement in a software. This can add more number of features to the newer version which is released. Usually they come in beta versions ( A pre-release version of a product that is sent to customers and partners for evaluation and feedback ). Later on, the complete version is released.

For example, a change of version from “firefox 2.0.0.x” to “firefox 3.0” is a software upgrade, where 'x ' is any number of the already released versions.

Usually non-free software vendors fix a price for a software upgrade.


A software update can include only minor variations among versions, but an update can include major variations among versions. Non-free software vendors like Kaspersky, Norton etc. charge for software upgrades. But the updations are always free.