Tuesday, December 2, 2008

my geek talk on IRC with a fellow geek on December 2nd at 7:00 pm IST

My nickname in the IRC client is DarkKnight....and below is Norbert from Hungary whom i met on the IRC client

norbert79: Lets discuss this not in the common part

norbert79: Name is Norbert from Hungary

DarkKnight: Hi Norbert....nice to meet you

norbert79: Same here, nice to meet you too

DarkKnight: so wat do u do...i mean..u work??

norbert79: I work for an IT company working for Security

norbert79: and you?

DarkKnight: i m a 3rd year Btech student....DarkKnight: CSE brnch

DarkKnight: *branch

norbert79: Nice...

DarkKnight: so u work in a linux based company

norbert79: And any plans for the future? Any companies you would like to work for?

norbert79: Well, I work for a company, which supports Linux pretty well

norbert79: yet I am not in development, or at a department which needs Linux as tool for the daily work

norbert79: but I am using it on my business laptop

norbert79: and home too

norbert79: I am using Linux since 2003, as an ONLY OS since 2005

norbert79: ONLY OS = i don't have any other OS on my own PC

DarkKnight: ya i m looking forward for Open Source companies.... wanted to be a hacker like Richard Stallman

DarkKnight: probably soon start my own services for linux later

norbert79: Well, Richard is more like an activist, and a philospher, I don't know how good he is as a programmer :)

norbert79: sounds great

DarkKnight: or maybe u can say....Linus Trowalds

DarkKnight: thanq

norbert79: You should also try to get the book about Operating Systems from Andrew S Tannebaum, the teacher of Linus

norbert79: And "Computer Networks"

norbert79: I have both, both are great books on undertsanding operating systems

norbert79: but you should try to go through this uide first:

DarkKnight: ya i just had both the subjects last sem....

norbert79: http://www.tldp.org/LDP/sag/sag.pdf

norbert79: thats great, you are familiar with both then

DarkKnight: but i shld say.....networks broke my head

norbert79: hehhe

norbert79: No wonder :)

DarkKnight: lots of theory

norbert79: not the easiest topic

DarkKnight: and the different semaphore algorithm in OS...pretty hard to remember

DarkKnight: ya lots of theory

norbert79: I still find it hard to understand :)

DarkKnight: u still find it hard....i didnt understand the whole.....

norbert79: but you would like to be a real hacker user, not a hardcore dev yet... Lets go step by step :)

norbert79: May I be curious?

DarkKnight: no problem....its technical...so i dont mind

norbert79: My first question: do you understand the difference between the term 'Linux' and 'Distribution'?

norbert79: I am just curious :)

DarkKnight: yes...linux is a kernel.....

norbert79: nice... And? What makes a distribution a distribution?

DarkKnight: and distribution is something like a collection of softwares and the whole OS makes aa distribution

norbert79: well done

DarkKnight: thanxx

DarkKnight: well ur 1st qustion

norbert79: you seem to understand some parts well by now

norbert79: I am all ears

norbert79: :)

norbert79: go on

DarkKnight: i just don't want to be a hacker...

norbert79: hacker is more like someone

norbert79: who is modifying an application or part of it

DarkKnight: i want to learn hacking so that maybe it can help me to be a

norbert79: to make his/her work easier

DarkKnight: ya

DarkKnight: but the final goal is to be a developer

norbert79: yes, but that is why you need to understand terms like init/upstart, /dev filesytsem, /sys, /proc, login, getty, and lot more

DarkKnight: ohh.. yes....

DarkKnight: i just went thru the 1st few pages of SAG......

DarkKnight: saw just the intro of init

norbert79: thats a good stuff for beginners

DarkKnight: one of the basic commands of UNIX

DarkKnight: ya

norbert79: pretty 'thick', but has a lot of important information in it

DarkKnight: yes

DarkKnight: init 0

DarkKnight: for shutdown

DarkKnight: init 6 for restart

DarkKnight: but i dont know the othet init's

norbert79: you should also try different distributions, like Gentoo or Fedora, or go for UNIXes too, like Open/FreeBSD

norbert79: init 0 is the command on telling init on going to the runlevel 0

norbert79: init uses different runlevels

DarkKnight: ohh yes...i used Fedora for a month or so....

norbert79: where you can define what applications to start

DarkKnight: okk

norbert79: I think you can have maximally 10 runlevels... Fedora uses 7 (0-6), where Ubuntu only a few 0,1,2,5,6

norbert79: as far as I know

DarkKnight: init 1 is single user i suppose

DarkKnight: okk

norbert79: yes, normally, but there is no 'standard' as fdar as I know for it

norbert79: you could also use only one runlevel

DarkKnight: okk

DarkKnight: just out of curiosity.....do u know what type of jobs are paid highest for freshers

norbert79: not really, I am not so familiar with payments on different jobs

norbert79: depends always on the company

DarkKnight: i mean taking a general view of any company...

norbert79: as I have told you, depends the type of work, and the company... One company could pay more for developer work, than the other, where the other could lack of tools

norbert79: you should get know as lot companies as possible

norbert79: so you can easly select the best for you

DarkKnight: ohkk

DarkKnight: i have recently joined a company for a project

DarkKnight: i joined a team called DSwitch

DarkKnight :the company's name is twincling

norbert79: Well, I live some tousand of kilometers away from you, I am not really familair with all the companies... Does the company have a website?

DarkKnight: twincling.org

DarkKnight: i have been given the task of finding out how to access a database using DC++

DarkKnight: hey there??

norbert79 sorry, I am still at work, and have something to take care with

norbert79 It's 14:44 over here (2:44 pm)

DarkKnight: no probs

DarkKnight: its 7:15 pm here

norbert79: I am 5 and a half hours behind you :)

norbert79: I know ;-)

DarkKnight: ya....we had a nice time chatting technical stuff....and i m posting our geek talk in my blog....u mind...

DarkKnight: ??

norbert79: Yes, why not :)

DarkKnight: thanxx...

DarkKnight: can we meet again on a regualar basis....i have learnt a lot from u...

norbert79: Well, I am not often online at Freenode, but you can write me any time to norbert79@freemail.hu

DarkKnight: thanxx buddy....surely i'll mail u....

DarkKnight: and maybe we can meet on sundays...

norbert79: Probably... Have fun with reading!

DarkKnight: ya sure...

DarkKnight: see u then bye

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