Friday, December 12, 2008

Ubuntu client-sever install

DarkKnight: hey can anyone tell me how to go about for a ubuntu client server install

Slart: DarkKnight: "ubuntu client server" ?? what kind of server?

DarkKnight: Slart; probably a file sever

Slart: DarkKnight: probably? you don't know?

DarkKnight: Slart; i m given the task 2 make a client server installation at my college computer i m not sure which one i have to have any idea

DarkKnight: DarkKnight: then I guess you either already have been (or will be) given instructions regarding this..

DarkKnight: Slart; was like i wanted linux to be in one of our main reason could be that i wanted to play around with it was my idea...

Slart: DarkKnight: then you had better ask yourself what kind of server/client setup you want

nibbler_: DarkKnight: setup a server, setup a client, connect, done

Slart: DarkKnight: try typing !samba here in the channel

nibbler_: DarkKnight: a server is a computer that can - for any reason - be connected by another one (the otherone being the client)

nibbler_: DarkKnight: can be hosting files (samba) offering a remotelogin (ssh (telnet)), or run games like quake etc

Slart: DarkKnight: sure.. webserver, samba server, ftp server, ssh server, quake server.. you can run all these, and more, at the same time if you want to

nibbler_: DarkKnight: database server with a database client connecting is just as client/server as it gets

DarkKnight: Slart; so now if i install web, database and samba, will it affect the performance, speed etc....

Slart: DarkKnight: just having them installed doesn't use many resources.. you can have 10 web sites up and running as long as noone is visiting them..

DarkKnight: Slart; the plan is like...only the sever will be connected to the client systems will access the internet unless approved by the how do u

Slart: !ics | DarkKnight

ubottu: DarkKnight: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see - You may also use !firestarter:

DarkKnight: Slart; well thank you have helped me a lot

Slart: DarkKnight: you're welcome.. good luck with the computer lab

Simultaneously I was talking with Fazavon with whom I had a talk of printer's driver issues earlier


DarkKnight: hey thanxx...

Fazavon: np

DarkKnight: here its said abt a samba sever

DarkKnight: can u just tell me in brief whats this samba

Fazavon: file server

Fazavon: share files over many machines

DarkKnight: ohkk

DarkKnight: is it called file sever


DarkKnight: okk

DarkKnight: thank you have helped me a lot

Fazavon: np anytime

Other sites that could be useful for a client server install:

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